
Our Constitution

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 is a powerful document. Our Constitution is the highest law of the land. All state constitutions are subordinate to it. The political parties over the years have done their best to try and nullify the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900. Fortunately it is brilliantly constructed, they can never get rid of it without the consent of the people. It is the most important document in this land. Without the Constitution all other Contracts and Agreements are worthless bits of paper ... Even your money and the deeds to your home are worthless without this protection.

The very fabric of our free Australian society is vitally dependent on the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution.

It cannot be changed without the approval of the majority of the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, voting in a referendum.

Political parties in the past have tried to change our Constitution with 45 referendums and only 8 succeeding.

In 1215 the Magna Carta was born and is a part of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution today. It guarantees the people many freedoms, rights, & responsibilities that we take for granted, but we have been kept from knowing the power we hold. Why? Because our Constitution is the Rule of Law, the Moral Law, Common Law, and not the rule of political parties and foreign entities. Our Constitution was taught in our schools and universities up to 1975. The question we need to ask ourselves why was the teaching of our Constitution taken out of our schools and universities?

Our Constitution is not difficult to understand. It was written for the people, by our forefathers, to protect the people of this great nation.

Knowledge is powerful. Without this vital knowledge we are doomed to poverty and servitude.

It has been wilfully ignored and surreptitiously hidden in plain sight. Why? What are they afraid of?

To view, the 1900 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act click on the Button below.

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The 8 Successful Constitutional Referendums

Year Of Proposal Subject & Proposal % of votes in favour
1906 Senate Elections
To enable elections for both Houses to be held concurrently
1910 State Debts
To give the Commonwealth unrestricted power to take over State debts
1928 State Debts
to end the system of per capita payments which have been made by the Commonwealth to the States since 1910, and to restrict the right of each State to borrow for its own development by subjecting that borrowing to control by a loan council
1946 Social Services
to give the Commonwealth power to legislate on a wide range of social services
1967 *Aboriginals
to enable the Commonwealth to enact laws for Aboriginal people. To remove the prohibition against counting Aboriginal people in population counts in the Commonwealth or a State.
1977 *Senate Casual Vacancies
to ensure, as far as practicable, that a casual vacancy in the Senate is filled by a person of the same political party as the Senator chosen by the people, and that the person shall hold the seat for the balance of the term
1977 *Referendums - Territories
to allow electors in Territories, as well as in the States, to vote in constitutional referendums
1977 *Retirement of Judges
to provide for retiring ages for judges of Federal courts

Note: * indicates a referendum that was not held in conjunction with an election

To view the complete list of referendums click HERE